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Image by Sergey Zolkin

Elon's unique media analytics major granted me opportunities to learn about industry trends in SEO, UX, and social listening by working with real companies and data. Below, browse slidedecks and presentations from my favorite projects. 

Also, visit my RPubs page here.

This white paper for a local small business includes a social media performance review and recommendations for an improved digital marketing campaign. 

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Hydroflask SEO Analysis

This competitor analysis for the water bottle brand Hydroflask, encompasses both onsite and offsite SEO strategies, such as recommendations for key word optimization and link building. 

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iMedia Program Web Traffic Overview

This digital strategy report uses real data from the Elon University Interactive Media master's program website to make recommendations on driving more organic, social and referral traffic during application season. 

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This report on behalf of the International Collegiate Programming Competition identifies strategies for the program's Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook accounts.


Idaho Murders Twitter News Coverage Analysis 

Using Brandwatch, this Twitter analysis asses news coverage of the 2022 Idaho murders and proposes ethical strategies for future crime coverage.

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Moodle User Testing Plan

This cost-effective usability test plan can be implemented to measure the effectiveness of Elon University's Moodle site and documents metric, participant and scenario specifics.

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Coded in R, this analysis compares sentiments between the three cantiche of Dante's Divine Comedy.

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